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Terms and Conditions

Acceptable Behaviour

At Art with Mrs G we expect the same standard of behaviour as in any public place or educational environment. Any adult will be asked to leave immediately, or a child to collected as soon as possible, should they have behaved inappropriately in endangering the safety and care of other children or staff, or if their behaviour becomes such that it affects Mrs G’s ability to continue effectively teaching the session.  Mrs Gallagher reserves the right to consider immediate exclusion of an attendee from the class and they not be readmitted to future sessions of Art with Mrs G.    Adults and assistants in charge of children will undertake to conduct themselves in a manner that is mindful of the presence of children. 

All attendees should be encouraged to take care of their own personal belongings and refrain from bringing unnecessary items into the setting. Mrs Gallagher cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage to any of their belongings.

Payment and Refunds

FEES for Art with Mrs G are payable in full, in advance by automated payment, upon confirmation of space (and on occasions, by BACS and completion of relevant forms).  Refunds will only be given until 1 week before, given that spaces held will be hard to fill at that late point.  If the attendee becomes ill or misses a session for some reason, refunds will not be available.   All monies are managed by Mrs Gallagher and fees must be paid to secure a place in sessions. Failure to do so may result in the space being offered up to a person on the waiting list.

BACS details will be provided directly when necessary: Please add a reference of ‘ART’ followed by booking surname.

Sickness and Emergency Arrangements

Mrs Gallagher does not accept attendees who are unwell and expects adults/parents/carers to inform her on the day (or sooner) if someone will not be attending. If an attendee becomes unwell during their art course, she will ask them to leave or calll someone to be collect them at the earliest opportunity.  Mrs G has undertaken appropriate first aid training to deal with an emergency. While every attempt will be made to contact the emergency contact, there may be a situation when it is deemed necessary for Mrs Gallagher to administer basic first aid (of which a written record will be kept) and in an emergency call the emergency services.

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